Tag Archives: getting rid of clutter

One Small Change: Decluttering!

Still working on my ONE SMALL CHANGE that I committed to for January. My change was to clear my home of clutter or anything that does not bring me or my family joy. It was not an easy task because I realized I have some attachments to my “stuff”. Why was it so difficult for me to toss old toys, books and magazines I have read, baby gear and old clothes? That’s when I realized, I am not my stuff. These things do not define me. What’s most important in my life is my family, our health and our happiness. Our things do not bring us joy – sure, sometimes it keeps us busy and there’s the initial excitement, but in reality, it doesn’t make us who we are.

So far 3 bins of stuff out of our home

Along with these three bins, I’ve decided to sell and give away furniture and loads of baby items. It’s still a work in progress but my goal is to finish it this weekend. From now on, I am going to do this planet a favor and not support so much consumerism. Hopefully the less we buy, the less will be made.

Now on figuring out what to do for the month of Feb…just give me a few days!